Longest continuous playing songs

I like (and looking for) continuous playing music, it could be one song or a group of songs that play uninterrupted, the longer, the better. Does anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks for any suggestions,

Timbaland's CD, all the Pyschotrance albums, Ozric Tentacles, and my personal favorites: The Allman Brothers' "Whipping Post" and "Mountain Jam." I know of some others but can't quite think of their names right now.

If you like rock, try The Allman Brothers, from "Eat a Peach", Mountain Jam is 33:40 long. Also by the Allman Bros., "At Fillmore East", which is live. 2 LP's, or discs. You Don't Love Me plays for 19:06. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed plays 12:46. Whipping Post plays 22:40. The whole thing is like being there for the whole gig. Great listening.
Not sure if this is a "song" by your definition, but Morton Feldman's *Piano and String Quartet* is one movement and goes on for about 70 minutes or so.