Looking for a bookshelf at 2k or less.....

I tend to like speakers that can reveal a lot of high-frequency detail. The ACI sapphire IIILE's seem to hold back a bit too much for my tastes.

I just listened to the Focal 807V and was blown away...so much detail and open-ness. Anyone know how these compare (besides being cheaper) to the PSB Platinum M2 or the Pradigm S2?
On the vr-1 front, I may be in the minority, but I was incredibly bored with these using both class D and tube amps. Sounded fine, with decent detail, just bland. Would certainly take the rare Alon mini that popped up here a few days ago over the vr. Had a pair of silverline sr-16's for a while and they were head and shoulders better/more refined in every aspect the the vr1's. The sr17's go for under 1500 here if you can catch some
Angaria, you and I think a like. I did not like the VR-1's in the time that I owned them. I was just plain bored as well.

I also did not like the PSB Stratus Minis that I had. I paid 550 bucks for them and I didn't think they were even worth that. I have not heard the rest of the PSB line, though.

My recommendation is the Revel M20. Have not heard the M22, so I can't comment on that. But I did own the Revel M20 twice and thought it was incredible both times.

For what it's worth, I've owned many paradigms and liked every one that I've had. I listened to the S2 at the dealer and is was so harsh and annoying that I couldn't stand it. I was bummed when I heard that.

I have not heard the Focal you speak of, but if it is like most other JM labs, I'm sure it sounds fantastic.
I , too , will have to agree with Angaria on the VS sound . I don't think that you will get the highs you are seeking .
Depending on your amp , the Reference 3a DeCapo i will provide those type of highs . They do favor tube amps and you would need one that does not roll off the highs . I would take these over the Paradigms that I have heard .
Used @ $1500 .
Good luck .
If I were you, *and* if you're not actually going to put these speakers on bookshelves, I would at least consider a used pair of Merlin TSMs. I'm not selling a used pair, by the way. Good luck.
Thanks everybody for their recommendations. You've all suggested some great speakers. Some of I've heard of and read about...and some I haven't.

After doing a lot of research and talking to folks, I've settled on a pair of Salks HT1's. Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to demo these, but reading customer reviews and comparisons, talking to Jim Salks, and of course being seduced by how gosh darned pretty they looked, I made the plunge. I'll let you know all know my experience with them when I get them in.