Looking for a power cable upgrade

I got an itch to upgrade. The sound I'm getting now is great I like it but like most of us I'm want to look at the other side of the mountain for some thing better. This is what I'm using right now:
Im looking at spending around 500.00 per cord either used or new, and also would try a diy solution. If anyone as used my current cables and has moved to something else please comment. Or if you have found something fantastic please comment as well. Any input would be great. 
A used Purist would sound wonderful i think its your best bet when they come up here they go quick.Enjoy!!

Thanks! for sharing- akg_ca

Cardas, at any price/level is too rolled off from the start.

Consider upgrading your power supply as a whole, with an isolation transformer. Plitron sells a good one. It can be noisy when it's doing its job, so putting it in another room is a good idea.