Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter

OK I'm in the process of looking at a way to clean up my AC power. Like everything else there are tons of options. From my reading I have narrowed it down to Hydra, Bybee, and PS Audio. The PS Audio sounds nice in that it will regenerate "clean" power. I have heard people rave about the Hydra and Bybee V2 and I see they have the Stealth now.

Anyone have any experience they can share? My amps are 300B tube monoblocks. My front end is DAC and Music Server.
My suggestion is see what you can get your hands on and try them. Some of the products mentioned above might not be available to you. If they aren't my suggestion is omit them from your list. Listen to them in your home in your system and whichever one sounds best that is the one for you.

Also try and set a price. If your price is 3K then only listen to units below the 3K price. I have heard great things about all of the ones you list but none in my system. I use to own a Equi=Tech unit and loved it. Is it better or worse than the ones you list? Who knows, I just know what I had and loved. Of the 3 you list I have heard raves about the Bybee but again I have not heard it in my system.

The recommendations from this forum can shed light on products you haven't considered but at some point you will have to narrow the list down.

Good luck and let us know which way you go. Remember make the decision you like not what we like.

Just my 0.02 (before taxes)
What is great in one system can be dreadful in another. AC treatment is trickey so audition with all sources and keep it for a week if possible. JALLEN
Firstly, have an electrician run two dedicated lines for you. One for digital and one for your amp. If you cannot hear a difference you may want to bag a PC. Albert Portor Cryo Ports. This is a cost effective way to get into power conditioning; isolating dirty electric and keeping your front end [inexpensively] isolated from your amp. It's a win win situation. Now you have dedicated outlets to plug in your Audio Magic. Then you can begin to change your entire rig...lol...don't laugh too loud; that's what happened to me..
I recently have been doing a lot of research on this subject. My neighbor, an EE and programmer is a pharmaceutical instruments product developer. He and I spoke in length about the merits of balanced power for sensitive medical equipment and how balanced power adds a measurable amount of AC resolution without spikes, jitter, or artifacts that one would associate with bad AC.

They use http://www.toroid.com/transformer_manufacturer/contact.htm

I am not sure what your budget is, but a cost effective way of achieving both; clean power and balanced, is to use one of the PC from PS audio or any other company you decided on, and perhaps one of the Equitech products or equivalent, to get absolute clean and balanced power.

My neighbor is going to let me try out one of his 6KW torroid transformers this week to see what results I can get on my system. Not sure how I would plug that into a 2.4KW outlet, hmmm.

I too have looked at cost effective solutions, short of an all out wall mount isolation transformer, something like 300plus pounds, I think the recommendations on this forum here are all valid.

Good luck,