Looking for a romantic sounding monitor

I currently own a pair of Triangle Zerius I want to keep and put into a second system. I am looking for a romantic pair of bookshelves to use with my Roksan Caspian MKII Int with a YBA CD Special. I dont know if Quad L series or B&W will give me the romantic sound im looking for. Any suggestions under $1000 new or used?
I'm not sure if they're still in production, but the Sonus Faber Concertino is a very lush, nice-sounding speaker. Most SFs are, in fact. You might even be able to find a used pair of Concertos in your price range.
What does romantic soundlike? I have Quad 12L's and like them quite a bit. I would describe the sound in my system to be a bit on the layed back side of neutral.