Looking for All-a-round speaker $3k range

Any sugg on what type of speaker is best suitable for all a round listening, including bands such as U2, Pink-F, Dave Mathews, The Red Hot Chile Peppers, Barry White, Hip-hop, old Disco etc.. There are so many brands yet very limted dealers in the Miami area.

Thank for the help.

sorry, as a big merlin fan, I can say not a chance are they pop speakers. Not even close. Don't even bother as they are not even in the ball park. Good as they are, you will not be happy. You like pop/rock, loud?? you must go with a three way speaker period. Try legacy or vmps even cerwin vega would be chosen over small two ways by 9 out of 10 people who listen to your type of music. Yes I have tested this theory out many times. No I dont own cv's but I do love merlins really.
look into Wharfedale's Opus range. they are large format floor standers (two 10" kevlar woofers), and have an absolutely great warm sound that would do well with the types of music you listed. they also have sleek curved cabinets with high gloss finishes
I love my Spendor S8e's... they do all music exceptionally well. Just read all the reviews on these speakers... everybody seems to be of the same opinion. But, then listen to them, and see for yourself. I'm using them with a Musical Fidelity A5 CD Player, ARC VSi55 Tube Integrated Amp (50wpc) with SED Cyro KT88's, and, of course, MAC UltraSilver Cables. This is great sound that you don't have to mortgage your house for!