Looking for an upgrate from Cronus Magnum

I live with Cronus Magnum with KT120 tube 100wpc for 2 years. I feel that it has been great for jazz, accoustic and vocal music. However I also listen to rock, pop, R&B, and movie scores. I feel the Cronus lack clarity and punch in the bottom end. My speaker is Salk HT2-TL 87dB efficiency 4ohm impedance.

I am considering the following options with a budget $3500. What is your opinion? If plan B is the better route, which integrated amp you suggest? My speaker is a bit cold and analytic, i want to add some warmth to it. Thanks.

Change the preamp and driver tubes on the Cronus. Cost about $300. Could enhance the clarity over the stock JJ12AU7. But bottom end would still lacking. Get a subwoofer for bottomend $1500

Replace Cronus with one of these SS used:
Krell Vanguard
Pass INT150
ModWright KWI200
MF M6si
Parasound HINT

Current system:
Salksound HT2-TL speaker
Cronus Magnum integrated amplifier
Oppo 105
Morrow Audio MA3 Interconnect and SP2 speaker cables

Yes Pharoah hybrid will handle speakers like those much better than Cronus magnum. 

Rogue in general is a great line.  Gotta match the right amp with speakers though always for best results.  Ive heard the Pharoah and it is a unit I could live quite happily with.   Has built in phono and dac as well.  
I actually consider the Pharoah to replace my trusty Redgum RGi120 solid state integrated in the future. My speakers need iron fist control or they get too loose. I like slightly loose sound, though.
Hello Ucc118,
Intrinsically I like plan A. However Mapman makes a very good point. At least on paper your speaker’s specifications would seem to favor a transistor amplifier. However actually listening to the amp/speaker pairing is the ideal scenario. If at all possible audition the Pharoah or any other amplifier contender. You may find you prefer the tube amplifier with better quality tubes vs the current JJ brand tubes. Generally speaking I find tubes more natural sounding (exceptions do certainly  exist ). Some speakers are designed with the intention of using solid state amplifiers.
BTW I have heard and like the Cronus Magnum very much and have considered buying one from time to time, but only for use with the right speakers in teh right situation meaning the speakers are not bottlenecked by the limited drive power of the amp (compared to Pharoah).

Having right amp for speakers is fundamental to best possible sound, much like having a suitable performance engine in your car for optimal performance.

I run various speakers in my home (the better ones from largest, most demanding to least in terms of power needed to max them out):

1) OHM F5 series 3
2) Dynaudio Contour 1.3 mkII
3) OHM 100 series 3
4) OHM L
5) Triangle Titus XL

Cronus Magmum (tube amp) would be my choice for 5 maybe 3 or 4 in a smaller room if not listening very loud. I would not even consider it for 1) or 2) unless in a smaller room and no need to ever go very loud.

Pharoah (hybrid) for 1-2 and most likely 3 though it would do quite well with most anything out there so it is a safer bet if unsure.

The two amps will sound different in most any case though and its certainly possible that either might sound best to someone in any particular case. What sounds "best" is always a very subjective things whereas what performs best (and therefore has the best "chance" overall to also sound best accordingly) is a more objective thing.

As is pretty much always the case it all depends and you never know for sure until you try.

I wouldn't bother with tube rolling the Cronus Magnum.  I was in the same boat as you and I purchased over 300.00 worth of preamp and driver tubes.  I was happy for a week, then was unhappy again.  Although the Cronus Magnum has 100wpc, it doesn't seem to have the drive to power the speakers I was using.  I went back to solid state and couldn't be happier.  My listening taste is mostly rock, like Pink Floyd, etc and in that sense, the Cronus Magnum was a bit disappointing.