Looking for any speaker recomendations for a sub flea watt amp

I have in the last six months added a nice headphone rig to my main system and just recently separated it bringing it upstairs into my office using it quite a bit more as a second system, with that said I would like to add a pair of speakers to listen to in near field for my wife as she is in the office doing her work, she loves music but is very intimidated by the all tube system we have in our living room and does not even consider turning it on or off. The system in question consist of a Yamamoto Soundcraft HA-2 headphone amp rated at 240mv at 8ohms and yes it does have speaker taps. Am I just pissing in the wind or are there some speaker choices that might satisfy my need and if the answer is no it will not hurt my feelings because I am very satisfied with the system as a headphone setup and have been using it a lot as such.
Please post what you find with regard to speakers suitable to match power delivery of your amp. Is there any wattage specs for your amp?

If you haven't already, you may want to read the 6 Moons review of this amp (link included below). I also included paragraph from this review that may be helpful.  I don't consider the statements relative to speaker use as  outlined in this article, to be conclusive, but rather, observations.

In fact, the HA-02 with a pair of superior headphones could be slightly preferable to the A-08S with speakers. That's because the Yamamoto is way overbuilt for its intended headphone-drivin' task and, as a high-gain pentode design, get's away with a single stage. As a quasi linestage device, it is presented by a load that doesn't have its triodes strain. Instead and like flowers, they stand erect in a wind-still niche, blossoms open, fragrance undiluted by gusty conditions. In that sense, it's an idealized greenhouse scenario. Conversely, the speaker variable, how it interfaces with the amp plus unpredictable room interactions could be anything but ideal. I've owned my audio-technica wood-cup 'phones for years. Truth be told, I didn't know they were this good. No headphone amp before has quite maxed out their potential to this degree. That's a lovely bonus for me. Never mind that the two together have a very similar finish. How would the Yammy work on 32-ohm Grados and 300-ohm Sennheisers? I don't know. I've long since sold my HD-650s. For my tastes, the W1000s ran circles around 'em and were far more comfortable to wear. The Sennheisers could be somewhat of an impedance mismatch on this amp but I'd have to hear them to know for sure.

Every thing I read from Omega Speakers and Decware Audio requires a minimum of 2 watts. 
bradf, yeah I think hooking up a pair of speakers to this little amp might prove to be an over reach of its given power but will update if I get a satisfactory result and even if I don't. thanks again
You may want to call Steve @ Decware.  He makes a point to be as helpful as he can. I would ask him if his Zen Triode Gain Stage would be useful in combination with your amp to drive speakers
