Looking for the king of mini monitors under $1500


I am looking for a list of the best mini-monitors under $1500 USD new or used.
I am moving my main system into my bedroom, so I need a speaker that does not take tons of room, and can work well in most setups.

I have a few ideas in mind, but I would like to hear yours.
The speaker must be musically evolving first and foremost.
No speakers with glaring errors need apply.

Please let me know what you think I should listen to as well as WHY.

Check out the Silverline SR15s. For the most part, fairly easy system matching. These are my favorite speakers in Silverline's range, they have more PRAT and detail than any of the other reasonably priced speakers they sell, and still have that fantastic Silverline midrange. Soundstaging is nice, but positioning makes it or breaks it. It's hard to find them used, but they come up once in awhile. Make sure you're getting the newest generation.
Hi Nick,

I know I alread emailed you some suggestions, but for the archive and other users I thought I need to mention the Omega Super 3R, since no one else has done so. For a price way below $1500 you get electrostatic speed and transparency. The left-over money is enough to buy a sealed sub, which can be nicely integrated with the Omega's. I have and like the Spendor S3/5 as well, but did prefer the Omega's in my own system.

Some speakers I did consider, when looking around for monitors:

Omega Super 3R
Spendor S3/5
Reference 3A Dulcet or De Capo
Green Mountain Europa
Silverline SR 11, SR15, or SR17
Soliloquy 6.0i
Totem Arro

Good luck,

The Spendors mentioned above are worthy of consideration. They are very natural sounding, with a midrange that all classic Spendors are known for. I listened to just about every type of music through my old Spendors, and they never disappointed me.

My son inherited them and he loves them too.
Can't leave out used LS3/5a or better yet new Stirling broadcast LS3/5a V2 which would fit in your budget.