Looking to hear from Thor owners

Based on the good advice of fellow Audiogoners I took the plunge into the ta-1000. Just curious about others experiences with Thor gear. What other gear do you have? Which tubes? etc.?
I have only had mine about a week so I am still getting used to it.
Recently added a Marantz sa-8004 cdp. Very big difference from the cheapo dvdp I was using.
The detail is quite stunning from the Merlin TSM's. Cant wait to add the Thor 30's.

Gjraad: I noticed a reference to using the bias feature on the 60's. Is that to balance any difference in tubes?
All tube power amps needs to have the tubed biased, Some amps have an auto bias circuit which does this for you, other you have to adjust the bias manually through a voltmeter or in the case of the Thor, the meters are built in so each tube can be matched to the manufactures specs for the amp.
living voice speakers are a great match for my thor 30tpa.drive them with very little juice with hidiamond power cords.these 3 components are so underated..no high price advertising