Looking to upgrade from Sololiquy 6.3

I currently own a BAT VK75SE amp, BAT VK50SE preamp, Electotcompaniet EMC-1mk2 CDP. Cardas Golden Reference IC's,and Acoustic Zen Hologram bi-speaker cable. Shunyata power cords. The room I listen in is 17x20. I am looking for a speaker with a better sound stage and depth. Thanks for any and all help in this matter.
Check out the Gershman Acoustics Avant Gardes - they look great and sound fantastic - check out the reviews from owners on audioreview.com.
Thanks for the ideas, I am go to try moving the speakers around in the room and see what happens.
ProAc and North Creek both make models that throw a soundstage big enough to walk around in, although I have heard the same about Soliloquy speaks.