Low noise Preamp for High Eff Speakers

Recently I picked up a Threshold T3 preamp and amazed how much lower the noise floor was than my Audio Research LS3B. Dead quite even with your ears to the tweeters. Yet it lacked the dynamics of the Audio Research, more laid back. I still like both of them but interested in getting others opinions on low noise preamps (tube or solid state) that are very musical in all practical dimensions (sound stage, inner detail, bass and treble extension, low or no electronic haze/glare, etc). I am looking at auditioning some ultra-efficient speakers (greater than 91 db) and would like to get a feel for best matching to the speakers. I have been happy with my B&W 801 series 3 speakers now for about 5 years but looking at being more Energy Friendly and at the same time getting more immediate sound that many high efficiency speakers are reported to give. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
Many advantages of a passive are combined with selected attributes of an active linestage in Steve McCormack's very affordable TLC-1 "passive buffered" pre. Stereophile ClassA recommended; it has multiple inputs, 2 defeatable loops, and choices of an active buffered (unity gain) output or a passive output, and is absolutely quiet in either output mode. Also it's upgradable in various ways via SMC Audio's hot rod program. Minimalist in many ways, yet very flexible. I have the same ultrasensitive 104dB speakers that Aaronm uses, and have no noise issues with the TLC-1.
I am in the same boat and currently have the Placette passive on order for a 30 day home trial. It uses all Vishay S102 resistors for the lowest possible indcuctance) in an L pad configuration which provides constant "resistance not impedance" to the source. It also provides the luxury of a remote. FWIW TAS picked it twice in the recommended system section this month. Dynamics are supposed to great but if they are little lacking I have the SCE Harmonic Recovery System that can be inserted into the loop.