Lyra Lydian Beta, Rega hum?

Just mounted a Lyra Lydian Beta on my Rega P25/RB600. Got some serious hum. I have heard of problems like this with Grado cartridges, but not with Lyra. Does anyone have experiance with this combination? Phono preamp is Sonic frontiers SFP-1.
Jsbail- A constant hum such as you are describing is most probably some sort of grounding/misconnection problem as it is happening with both cartridges. I used to have a P3 and recall that there is some way to ground it, but I can't recall exactly. I think it had something to do with connecting a wire to the arm at the attacment point underneath the table and then to ground, but I can't be sure. Sorry.

Anybody out there know about grounding a Rega? Maybe the Basis Brothers could describe how their RB300 is grounded?

The only other thing I can add is that I once had a similar problem and it turned out to be a wire not soldered well to the connector pin.
I know the rega arm is grounding through the RCA connectors. Might be a issue there with your preamp.

Sorry I can't help more...maybe try posting this on Audio Assylum under the vinyl section...maybe someone will know some tricks...or email sonic frontiers?
Of course 'aint only rock and roll in the world' but why would I buy a table that didnt do it for me with rock when thats mostly what I listen to??
I listened to the 25 and the 1400.The 25 did it for me for what I was listening for.
This guy that started the thread wants help with his hum.Not to be told to 'dump' his table.If ya cant help him out then butt out and don't flame.
As mentioned above,the P-25 I.C.'s are internally grounded.The hum is not in the table/arm.