Lyra Lydian Beta, Rega hum?

Just mounted a Lyra Lydian Beta on my Rega P25/RB600. Got some serious hum. I have heard of problems like this with Grado cartridges, but not with Lyra. Does anyone have experiance with this combination? Phono preamp is Sonic frontiers SFP-1.

Saw your post and read a few of the responses so if you've heard this suggestion already- apologies. Hum is often a problem with MC cartridges due to RF interferences. Living in San Francisco for example, if you can see the hugh radio transmitter on twin peaks from where you live, chances are moving coil cartridge will have audible hum. This went away completely switching to MM cartridge
Thank you mmrevolver. I can see a radio tower on a hilltop from my window. It is about 3 miles away. Could be the problem.
Can't help wondering if the hum is due to an open coil in the cartridge. Is the hum so loud that you can't listen to music and does it begin the second you engage the phono circuit? If so, it may be an open coil problem. This happens from time to time with less expensive cartridges as quality control is usually less then with the ultra expensive cartridges. I had this problem with a blue point special and grounded everything in sight(boy, the dog sure hated that wire around his neck) until I gave up and had the cartridge tested, found defective and replaced with end of problem. Sounds like it's time to take the cartrige back to the dealer or if no dealer, Immedia and let them check it out.
Yes Franks, The hum is too loud to listen to and it starts as soon as take phono preamp off mute. Guess I need to get it checked out.
Before you give up hope - try a few different carts - if you can. If they all hum about the same then you've a problem with the p25/600.
I personally couldn't tolerate the P25/600 with its earthing/motor shielding quirks and changed to another brand of t't; and haven't been happier.