Mac MA 6100 worth the $$ to update? orig owner

My current sys:
McIntosh MA 6100 new 1975
McIntosh MR 78
B&W Matrix 1 Digital Monitors
Kenwood KD 500 w/Denon DL-301 II
Musical pref: Vinyl - Jazz, Classical 3%cd

I will be auditioning B&W Preference 6 speakers next wk
Thank you, Jihley. I am now looking at the MA 6600. I am prepared to replace the amp and speakers and the cartridge (which was purchased last) though I probably don't have 10 hours on it. What is recommended, replace speakers or amp first? At my age, I can afford the $$ but I'm sure my hearing isn't what it was.
Thanks for your time.
Transducers make a bigger overall difference to your sound, so speakers and cartridges should get first consideration. However, you will find that new speakers reveal other system flaws. Be prepared to start hunting for a new cartridge, tonearm and/or table if you do speakers and the integrated together. Also, consider the MA6700 instead of the 6600 - it will get you a MC input and going to moving coil would be a huge step up in image and depth that any B&W will easily reveal.

Above all, have fun and buy only what you like.
Thank you, Effischer, I've got some work to do, considerations to make. I think some of this research and information may look good on paper but may not sound good in my room. Yours and others who took their time to offer information is greatly appreciated.
For your information I am auditioning the B&W Preference 6 speakers. More fidelity, presence than my B&W Martix 1. The bass is tight and not so pronounced, similar to the pair I currently own. Perhaps as I have heard in the answers to this thread, 70 wpc may be a little light for the B&W. But the Preference 6 is an improvement over what I own.
This is a great forum and you experienced members are generous with your time.