Maggie1.6 bi-wire or single?

I have a pair of Maggie 1.6's and they are now bi-wired with Alpha Core MI2 Veracity and soon I will have a single run of Acoustic Zen Satori. Ever since I read an article where the reviewer prefered a single run to "mantain the coherance" I have always wondered if this is noticable. I am leaning toward the single run as I would like to preserve this quality if indeed it is true.

What do you Audiogoners prefer single or bi-wire?

thanks in advance,
Biwiring Maggies is better. A lot better. Even better if you get an aftermarket crossover.

Back when I had my 1.5's I used AP Oval 12 bi-wires and then went to HT Pro 9+ single wires with HT jumpers and prefered the HT. Not really a fair comparison as the cables were not from the same manufacturer not were they the same model but it may indicate that a very good single wire application may better (depending on your ears) a "lesser quality" bi-wire application. As always YMMV...
I've tried bi-wired MIT Terminator 2's and Silver Sonic T-14's, but got better sound with a single run of XLO Reference Type 5 speaker cables. This combination is the best so far in my system.