Magic with Magneplanars?

Although my last pair was a circa 1984 MG-IIIa, I have always loved the warmth, imaging and immediacy of Magneplanars and never found listening to Martin Logan's, Apogees, WATT Puppies or anything else nearly as musical. I am now assembling a system -- perhaps with MG-20's (are they worth the difference over 3.6s?) -- and I am curious about bi-amping. Could I use Bryston on the bass and ARC tubes on the top? I am also considering an ARC SP-11, VPI TNT, and SACD. Any ideas here (also for cables) would be greatly appreciated!!! Don't care about state of the art, the highest resolution etc but just want to bathe in warm lush magical musical sound...
conrad-johnson tubes,top and bottom! I'm currently listening to MG 111a's with a c-j MV 100 on the bottom and two MV 50's strapped in mono on the mid panels and ribbons. These amps are identical circuit designs,each doing about 100 watts. It sounds GLORIOUS! I've never heard the MG 20's(I'd love to,though),but you'd probably want to get into c-j's newer,more powerful stuff.Pricry,but worth it! Good luck with your search,happy listening! Bob
My understanding is the Maggie 20's have been discontinued and will be shortly replaced by the 20.1's, which will have a push-pull midrange driver (true ribbon) rather than the single-ended midrange driver of the 20's. I believe retail will be around $13,000. A couple of years ago I owned modified Quad 63's with Gradient dipole subs, and I was on the verge of upgrading to either a pair of Maggie 20's or Audio Artistry Beethovens (I love dipoles). Then I discovered Sound Lab full-range electrostats. Not only did I purchase a pair of the new Millennium-1's, but I believe in them so much I crossed over to the "dark side" and became a dealer! Anyway, if you are in this price range, you really ought to hear the Sound Labs. They are the ultimate expression of the dipole - one driver, electrostatic, warm tonal balance, superb timbre and nuance, and (surprise!) genuine bass. There are two models, the Millennium-1 and Millennium-2, that are in the general price ballpark of the Maggie 20.1's. E-mail: Best wishes!
In my experience/preference, tubes are great w/maggies. I tried vt100 and mv-50. Both were wonderful. The vt100 was the best, quite a bit clearer, the mv-50 warmer w/very forward midrange. Check out an earlier thread in this forum on amps for maggies. Lot's of good opinions. Not too many childish outbursts either !
If the last pair of Magnepans you have actually owned and spent time with were the MGIII A's...I suspect it would be worth your time to spend some time listening to the 1.6, 3.6 and the 20,,,or wait on the 20.1 before embarking on amp decisions. I believe that sonically you will be pleased by the entire lineup... and the decision regarding 3.6 .vs 20 or 20.1 would be best determined by the size of your room,listening habits and the type of music you like best. For the best advise on all things Magnepan suggest you visit the Magnepan Users Group (MUG) at
I've owned 3.6s and currently have 20s,have had 20.1s on order for a year.The 20s are more powerful in the mid and low bass region.Overall a more believable sonic picture but you do need a good room for them. I use Audio Research 600 mkII monoblocks and Ref 2 pre amp with great results.I'll have my 20s for sale when the 20.1s come.