magnepan 1.6 needs help in the bass

i'm begiinning to believe that the amgnepan 1.6 needs some assistance in the bass, i.e., more extension.

i am concerned that mating a cone, especially ported or sealed box is a problem as far as maintaining overall coherency.

also, it may be necessary to have stereo rather than mono sub, which can get expensive.

i have thought about rel, hsu and kharma ?

i also thought about the best way to configure the sub, namely blending. i would run the 1.6s full range and then add bass up to say 60 hz.

any thoughts ?
I'm considering a pair of 1.6s.

Would the Plinius SA102 be an adequate amp? Class A, 125WPC into 8ohms, 250WPC into 4.

Mrtennis, the Vandy crossover will eliminate signals below 80hz going to the mains (1.6's), which will help them. Anything below the 80hz mark is handled by the Vandies. So, it's a non-issue where the low end of the 1.6's are. The problem would come into play if you're trying to mate a different sub to the Maggies' 40hz low end.
I think Akozar made a good observation about the Mye Stands. They make a significant increase in the 1.6's bass response. I would also like to add that adding a pair of Nuforce 9.02's amps to you system may really elimiminate your need for a adding a sub. However if you are suffreing form chronic audiophile (toys) addiction (like myself) you really need to go with two subs. And you will have to experiment with their placement. Contrary to what many sales people say. You can not just throw a sub in the cornor of the room and expect it to integrate very well with your maggies. Hey good luck! Isn't this hobby great!
I've owned maggies for 20 years and all of the above suggestions are very good. Before you try a sub, I would suggest bi-wiring with the largest high quality cable you can find for the low freq and then doubling it. Maggies will use all the power you can feed them and the cable can restrict this.
I ran MMGs with a Paradigm 12" sub and NHT sub amp. Seemed to work well. To get it right download an RTA program to you PC (maybe RAL) get a half decent mic and use your PC to get the set up and settings right.