Magnepan 1.7 crossover capacitor improvement?

In my never ending quest to eliminate "glare" from all components I've recently realized that my MG 1.7's are a contributor. The crossover caps in them are nothing to write home about, a mixture of non descript caps including an Axon totaling 116.8uf in the mid range and an additional 10uf Axon for the tweeter. Since Axon is basically Solens which does have glare issues, I'm ready to move on. After snooping aroud it sounds like a mixture of Clarity ESA series/ 250V + Mundorf supreme replacements in the mid range and Mundorf Supreme for the tweeter would be a good choice. But i'm curious if someone here has already trod this path and found a different path thats reasonably affordable ( not Duelends and Vcaps...grin)
At this point I have glare about 95% tamed but there are still certain CD passages that cause that chalk board scraping sensation.
So how would you know that changing out crossover parts will improve sound. And once done how do you know its better than original? Are you keeping a stock 1.7 about to compare changes too? Or just the old I changed parts for more costly its better now because I spent allot. This sadly is how most upgrade crossovers. And they always sound better to these gents. I have yet to see a actual proper experiment using a control. Its just new parts cost allot its better now....Good luck..
johnk, here's two freebies, work that mouse and you might learn something new. Some assembly required... laventures opinions are tested in far more depth than humbhomemadehifi but theres only a minor overlap for opinion comparison

meantime, I'm happy listening to recordings that before my changes were boring lead performances with diffident accompanists now improved to an equality of musical detail from all players... the surest sign of success with any audio change is when it makes you pull out old recordings and smile because you hear a depth of detail you couldn't hear before.
David maybe reread and answer my ? there's nothing this thread could teach me its you that needs schooling happy listening.
Have experimented extensively with Axons, Solens, Dynamicaps, Mundorfs, VTV Ultratone, both TF & Cu V-Caps, and Duelund Casts in various applications including on my Magnepan 3.6. You might not like the sound of the Axons or Solens, but they are anything but glarey. I'd look elsewhere for the problem before you rip into your speakers. Read the description of Humblehomemadehifi which I think is a roughly accurate decription of these caps. I'm actually fond of some of the sound qualities of the Solens on the 3.6 ribbon tweeter even compared with the Duelund Casts (although the latter only have 250 hours on them). I'd look first at the non-Mullard tubes and silver USB cable first - cheap and easy fixes.
I had the kind of glare issues you are describing with my 1.6's. Treating the corners from floor to ceiling tamed most of it. When I replaced the 1.6's with 3.7's, I was shocked to see the glare completely eliminated. I have wondered if the difference is due to the tweeters on the inside vs. outside. If you have the tweeters, out, it might be worth trying them inside before you start modifying the speakers.