magnestand owners

I would like to hear from past or current owners of Peter Gunns mods on Magnepan speakers, especially the 1.6 Magnepan. If there are others out there that mod Magnepan please post it here. What has been your expierence? Did the mod make it state of the art or darn close? Was dynamic contrast better which is one of the weaknesses of Magnepan speakers.My room is 14x20 dedicated. Line drive is Mccormacl MLD amp DNA-1 both modded by SMC to the Platinum+ level. Phono stage Audio Research PH-3SE modded by Steve Huntly to the reference level. If you know anything about these mods for Magnepan speakers please post your info. Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsaygrr
Don, have you ever seen or heard PG's modified Maggies?

Calling him a "back woods" wood butcher is a bit offensive. He does live in a small community in PA, not NYC, but I fail to see what difference that makes (if anything, I'd say it works in his favor). His profession is cabinet maker and furniture builder, a trade he followed long before his audio hobby brought him to begin speaker modifications. Every comment I've read on his woodworking, by both those who applaud his mods and those who are less appreciative, praise his craftsmanship level skill.

Regarding crossovers, the one PG builds is based on an earlier Magnepan design, not one of his own. Yes he does upgrade all the parts quality but that is a common modification, including those who choose to maintain the current crossover design. Reports by anyone who has upgraded parts identify far more than "slightly" improved performance.

And yes, there is skepticism regarding the increased efficiency. But many owners have reported increased loudness levels, regardless if that was quantified by measurements.

Saygrr, I agree regarding searching the Planar Asylum and might add the Planar Circle.
Did my 1.6's. Peter is a great guy, also very honest. The mods improve the Maggies, no question. Peter is a straight shooter so he makes a few enemies. My dealings with him were excellent. The speaker becomes smoother and more transparent. The cosmetics are a very subjective thing.
I've been to Pete's place and heard both the gunned 1.6 and SMGA and both were excellent. They definitely perform way above their price point. Jusy my 2 cents
I had Peter rebuild my 1.6's a couple of years ago (gosh has it been that long) anyway I think my speakers are the best. Are they But they are so much better than the original 1.6's it's just amazing. I could go on and on about clarity, soundstage and tonality but it really will not help you just have to pull the trigger and have him do the work. I use to communicate with 'Peter" from time to time and I think he is avery ethical and great old word craftsman. I recently auditioned a new pair of 3.7's and you know what... they were really not that much better than my 1.6's that had been modded. Yes I have good ears and my girlfriend also said, Hey don't get the 3.7's ..there not that much better. HOWEVER we both agreed that the 20.1 maggies were much better in comparison to the 1.6's. Hope this helps.
Best wishes
I had Peter rebuild my 1.6's a couple of years ago (gosh has it been that long) anyway I think my speakers are the best. Are they But they are so much better than the original 1.6's it's just amazing. I could go on and on about clarity, soundstage and tonality but it really will not help you just have to pull the trigger and have him do the work. I use to communicate with 'Peter" from time to time and I think he is avery ethical and great old word craftsman. I recently auditioned a new pair of 3.7's and you know what... they were really not that much better than my 1.6's that had been modded. Yes I have good ears and my girlfriend also said, "hey don't get the 3.7's ..there not that much better. HOWEVER we both agreed that the 20.1 maggies were much better in comparison to the 1.6's. Hope this helps.
Best wishes
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