Mapleshade Double Helix spker cable: Rating??

You rarely see the Mapleshade Double Helix speaker wire on sale on Audiogon. Need some feedback on their sound quality and how they rate with cables like Nordost Red Dawn LS; Analysis Plus Oval 9 Black; Silnote Reference.

I have read the "Plus" version which tacks on another $110.00 only provides marginal improvement. I don't want to order the cable in either version, and then return them. I live overseas and it's a hassle and expensive. For those who either own them, or tried them, is there any problem using the cable with a 6 ohm speaker, or a tube?? integrated. Thank you
I've had the Mapleshade Clearview and now the Double Helix and love just about everything they do. They've bettered Music Metre, Clear Day (single run), Zu Mission and Supra 2.5. The only caveat I have with them is what I perceive to be a slight dimming of the higher (highest?) notes. The extension is there but the shimmer and sparkle are not to my liking. I hear every note and the lengthy decay but the high end seems a bit reticent compared to the rest of the spectrum.

They are absolutely lovely from the upper mids to the upper bass: just about perfect for my tastes. Incredibly involving and nuanced. The lowest of bass I can't really comment on since my speakers don't go that low.

For the money, you can't go wrong. I've wasted too much on comparably priced wire only to come back to the Mapleshades. I have to say, upfront, that I'm waiting delivery on some Tempo Electric Silver speaker cables that may supplant the Mapleshades but they do cost a bit more (relatively speaking) and from what I've heard and read, may be my last indulgence with speaker cables.

I wish I had the other cabling you mention for comparisons sake but I don't so I trust what I've said helps some. As always, what sounds good in one's system won't sound as good in another's. Good luck in your attempts.

All the best,
Thanks to all who have responded so far, especially NoNoise. I may have ran this question up the flagpole a couple of months ago.

However, I need to avoid lean sounding cables or cables with restricted highs.... (NoNoise, your comment that...." they (Double Helix) are absolutely lovely from the upper mids to the upper bass....etc". (You must own a pair of high quality monitors like KEF LS-50, or PBS Imagine T-2) However, the Adagios are more of a full range speakers with bass at 35HZ, with highs that only go to 25KHZ. They still sound very good and accurate, but I would not want to limit their frequency range. I just want to tighten up the bass, and smooth out the highs a bit

Nevertheless, I might take a shot at just the Double Helix without the "Plus" treament and see what happens.

P.S. I have never used Kimber Kable speaker wire, though I have read that their 12TC is excellent. Unfortunately, a 12 ft single wire pair is too much money.
I hear good things overall about the Mapleshade cables when it comes to SQ. That said, I've read a few posts where people have had some build quality issues. For me, that would be an issue.

Did you end up going with the Rogue? It looked like an excellent choice.