Mapleshade records: Pick the best of

I'm interested in purchasing a few Mapleshade discs just to check them out. I'd like some pointers as to what discs i should shoot for. They currently have a "4 for $40" type of deal going on, so i need to find four discs to obtain that pricing.

For some background, i'm basically a "rocker" that also enjoys "dynamic" Classical pieces and soothing Chamber music. Some "foot stompin" Blues never bothered me and "swing" type Jazz can be fun too. I'm not much up on "experimental" type Jazz as it sounds like a big cacophony to me. Pipe organs do nothing for me and choral recordings are in the same boat.

Obviously, i'd like "good" recordings, but i'm more concerned with "good" music. After all, i'd rather kick back and listen to some good tunes with "pretty good" recordings rather than try to impress myself with a great recording of a mediocre performance ( Holt's Law ).

Any of you's wanna cough up some advice? Sean
I have 10 Mapleshade CDs, while the recordings are outstanding, the performance have not called me back for repeated listening. It sound quality of these are pretty amazing, they are good to use when you really want to hear the details in your system.
Thanks for the responses. I'm sure that others are interested in this too as nobody wants to buy discs that are all flash with little substance. As such, please keep the suggestions coming as diversity of opinion is what makes the internet such an interesting and useful tool : )

It would appear that many here have similar tastes and / or that some of these specific discs are just much more enjoyable than others that they've tried from this label. On top of that, i really appreciate Duane's and Rich's suggestion of other sources for music. Good recordings of good music at fair prices is all anyone can ask for : ) Sean
First, Mappleshade people are techchies and they know how to tweak and make things sound very good (non-CD stuff I'm referring to...) I have owned a few of their CDs (not more than 4) and sound quality if phenomena (I won't comment on the material...) I got their little catalog in the mail booklet too for 4 for $40. It's a good deal but I found myself flipping the pages numerous of times but undecided to buy because I'm not sure I like their music repertoire.
Hi, Sean:

I own 24 Mapleshade CD's, and intend, in response to your post, to write an article that provides information about each recording. Unfortunately, I do not have time to do that today, and I am travelling to Sacramento for the weekend. Hence, I'll have to write the article early next week, and will post it as a new thread on Audiogon, under the title "Review of 24 Mapleshade CD's". In the meantime, feel free to contact me directly if you have questions about any specific Mapleshade releases.