Marantz 2270 + B&W DM2000: What subwoofer?

Hello all,

Long time reader, first time poster!

In the past year I've bought a Marantz 2270 receiver, and had it restored to new. I've had the extreme luck to be given a pair of B&W DM2000 (the ones with the pentagonal shape) by someone who just wanted to get rid of them.

The current set-up sounds good as it is, but I can tell something is missing. When I listen to other setups that tend to run for $1k+, I'm usually blown away by the clarity and definition of the sound that I hear. Maybe I am biased against my own gear (the grass is always greener on the other side), but I feel like there's something I could do to make this sound better.

Would I benefit from purchasing a subwoofer? I've done some research and come to the conclusion that I need an active sub, as I do not want to buy another amplifier just to be able to run it. If so, which active sub would pair well with the Marantz amp and the B&W speakers? I am open minded to suggestions, and if something interesting came up with a passive subwoofer, I would not turn it down.

- My budget for a sub is approximately $500. Willing to go a little bit higher if it's worth it.
- Currently residing in France.
- Would rather have the sub be vintage, so as to follow the rest of my gear.
- I listen to absolutely everything, from Metallica to Eminem, from Michael Jackson to Daft Punk, from Creedence Clearwater Revival to Queen. If possible, I'd like a sub that has flexibility.

I know those are a lot of restrictions, so please feel free to work around them. Thanks a lot!

~a grateful reader
"When I listen to other setups that tend to run for $1k+, I'm usually blown away by the clarity and definition of the sound that I hear."

A sub isn't going to help in the clarity and definition dept. I don't know how low your B&W's go so it may help in that aspect of your enjoyment.

I have several vintage pieces myself (including a 2270) and tried to find a vintage speaker to complete the system but to no avail. All the ones I tried were pretty fuzzy. A friend of mine combined a pair of Altec Valencia cabinets with a modern mid and tweeter combined with a vintage JBL alnico woofer. That's how I made it work for me.
A sub is not the way to go. The 2270 was a bit of an odd duck as its output into 4 ohms was not terribly more than its output into 8 ohms (46 watts per channel into 4 ohms, where you might expect closer to 70 ohms per channel into 4 ohms. The 2270 was rated as 35 wpc into 8 ohms).

How loudly do you play your music? The Marzntz may be running out of gas. Or the B&Ws may not be a good match.

When I had a 2240, my best match-ups were with Nht and Wharfedale monitors. The worst were B&W 302 and Epos Els 3.

So much for posting using a iPhone in a laundromat in Brooklyn. I also would have done a bit more research.

See the attached discussion regarding power output of the Marantz 2270 . The point is the same, there was some anomaly with the power output into 4 ohms.

But back to the DM2000. It was an 8 ohms rated speaker at a minimum of 50 wpc (so much for the 4 ohms argument). Depending on when the DM2000 was manufactured, you have a 30 year old speaker. In what condition are the speaker surrounds and do they require replacing?

Place the B&Ws on a firm Cement Block a foot off the ground this will help their clarity
You will need 2 small 8 inch subs xed over at 60 or so
Make sure you can hook them up at speaker level. Hook the subs at speaker level by coming off of the remote speaker output jacks on the 2270.... By having 2 subs you will be able to adjust the bass for a better in room response which will improve clarity.
Best JohnnyR