Mark Levinson 25 vs 25s vs JC-2


I own a 26s (Bal) + 23.5 now. Both bought here in Audiogion from the same guy. Now I think of play LP and here is the followings:

(1)I own an old JC-2 (28 years old) with phono but still need USD200 to fix the line amp part. Soemone offer me USD$900 to take it without fixing. I can use as phono amp to play LP. In this case I won't need to sell it

(2) Or I sell the JC-2 and I can use the USD900 to buy a Mark 25 phono amp to play with 26s

(3) OR I can spend up to USD1600 to buy a Mark 25s.

What should be my choice?
Ken - be patient and wait for a 25s (buy a cheap phono preamp in the meantime if you need one.)

The last 25s's that were made had RCA's (as did the last 23.5's) It doesn't really matter. When you find a 25s, you should buy it. Fischer makes the best adapters if you need them, They are available directly from Fischer USA (or Switzerland) for $18.50 each.

What kind of TT/cart. do you have? What kind of speakers?

Good luck.


Dear Neil,

TT - Micro DDX1500 (Direct drive)
Cart- MC20 super
Speaker - Proac 2.5 ( change soon, think of Wilson Benesch Discovery or Wilson Audio Sophia)

One question: I would like to get the volume knok of 26s changed ( a scatch). No more avalaible in ML dealer in Hong Kong. Is this till avaliable in US ML dealer?

Hi Ken, Nice system. I would recommend the Wilson Benesch for good value. Sophia is not a good value. If you like the sound of Sophia better, then you should go for a Watt/Puppy, new or used.

As for the knobs, I would email ML customer support directly from their website. If they don't have replacements, you can probably have the old knobs refinished locally. They have been "bead blasted", a form of sandblasting. Contact a sandblaster, or someone who does custom magnesium automobile wheels. They should be able to help you.
Just a side note. The Fischer CAMAC adapters are $22.50 (maybe cheaper if you are a dealer) and I was told a minimum of $100 order.

I just ordered several CAMAC plugs to make some cables and also two adapters to fill the minimum order requirements so these prices are fresh. But again, maybe less $ if dealer.

At any rate, when dealing with ML equipment, the adapters cost is probably not much concern.
Thanks Neil,

Just wounder the ML23.5 can conrol the base of WB Discovery ( Isobaric bass is very hard to push ) I was told....
