Marten Design Coltrane vs Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy

I am on the market for second hand speakers with a budget range of 5-6 k $. Considered so far Marten Coltrane and Watt/Puppies (their lower numbers). I am running low voltage push-pull Audio Note monoblocks. Any other suggestion for speakers will be very welcome. Interested also in PBN Montana, Legacy Audio, von Schweikert VR 4 etc. Tnx.
Verity Rienzi (current model,$10K new) & Vandersteen Quatro Wood with optional crossovers (current model, $12K new). Both of which we have in stock, pre-owned but in mint condition, at or slightly above your price range. Even if we didn't happen to have them, I would still make the recommendations.

Marten Coltrane I would think would run more than $6K used and if you are looking to spend more then I would add the Verity Parsifal Ovation & Vandersteen 5a to the list. Early Watt Puppies are not in the same league, in my opinion, as Coltrane, Parsifal Ovation, or Vandy 5a.
Duhhh ?---

AN amps will not have the drive for the Wilsons--but the Coltranes are a huge price differential but will be OK--not great with the AN Amps but passable ( I heard the Audio Fed Demo room at RMAF) and I felt the sound was soft lacking in punch.

When you mention lower numbered Wilsons-3s/2s/5/s-well thats worse as they have horrendous swings--to 1/2 ohms in the critical regions.

I would not put Wilsons with AN Amps

Thank you for your fast reply.
SEATTLEHIFI - I've got your recommendations and I will consider. A bit doubtful about matching the sensitivity of both models you suggest (87 dB) with tube 8 watter???
TEAM 212 - As far as I understand both Coltranes and Wilsons are not spectacular with AN. Do you have anything better to suggest?
Sure - I understand your concern but the paper specs don't always translate to a sonic mis-match. Just food for thought.
Von Schweikert dB99. There was a pair listed here for $6400. Not mine because I can't see parting with them. Good luck.