May go back to Tannoys, which Monitor Gold for Me?

Had 12" Monitor Golds in DIY boxes from 1971 to 1988, and although I really enjoy my current Dynaudio Contour 5.4's, I still miss the Tannoy's. My room is fairly large, 16x28w/cathedral ceiling. I'm wondering if I would be disappointed with anything less than a 12" speaker. The current Prestige line is expensive, and the only speaker in my price range is probably the Turnberry, with a 10" speaker. Suggestions and ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much,

Update to this thread, I have purchased and recieved, from Ebay UK, a fine pair of HPD 315's, (12") Tannoy drivers. Hooked them up on the living room carpet, and rather surprising, they sounded darned near on a par with my $8000 a pair Dynaudio's. I was pleased and flabbergasted, all at the same time. I am working on getting some cabinets built, and looking forward to my first listen to the whole cabinet/speaker system.
Will re-post as things progress.

Hi Shad,
The subs you mention would most likely cost as much as some nice Tannoys, I think. Besides, I still wouldn't have Tannoys again, which is the whole point of the excersize. I would dearly like to hear what 12" Monitor Golds would sound like with the rest of my system as it is now. I never had the quality ancillaries to get the most out of the Tannoys long ago, I would enjoy finding out how they would sound now.

I'm wondering if I would be disappointed with anything less than a 12" speaker.

Yes, at least from my perspective, I would. I'd suggest a DD - 18 or a JL F113 and keep the WAF friendly Dynaudios.
Thank you, Johnk. I looked at those, but my wife would have a fit if I brought those utilitarian-looking speakers to my living (listening) room. Going to take some doing to get the right ones for the right price, I'm afraid.

Regards, Dan
Tannoy dmt 215. Dual 15in same 15in concentric as Churchill but you get a extra 15in for much better bass.