
I am new to forum and I see many comments for and against McIntosh gear.  I have 2 systems with MC2105 and MC2205 SS amps running Monitor Audio GS60 and PL200 speakers respectively. They sure sound sweet to me and I have no desire to change.  But never say never, so is there anyone out there who had this vintage Mac SS product, thought it was great but then actually did side by side comparison with other SS amps, Bryston, etc and concluded they were wrong and the non Mac is just so much better.  I have not done the side by side.  Thanks much. 
Maybe I qualify for your question.  I was a Mac user for years.  A ma-6100 was my first.  My last Mac system was a c-29 preamp, a MR-78 tuner, MC-2105 amp (powering a second set of speakers), a MC-2300 powering my main speakers.  

Other amps that I had, were a Krell KSA 50, and a pair of Mark Levinson ML-2's.  Also had a Citation 16a and a GAS Grandson.

Now, as you can see there are major power differences in those amps with the mighty Mac as King.  My goodness, the MC-2300 will drive a half ohm load all day long and provide nearly 2000 watts per channel doing it.  It was wonderfully musical and very enjoyable. 

But, the Grandson was my favorite. All of those amps had something wonderful about them, but the Grandson had a voicing that was so captivating it was hard to stop listening.

These days I am listening to vintage Sansui.  Enjoy your Mac system.  You'll know when it's time to change, or if it's ever time to change.  You might find that the Mac system will work for the long haul.  I know many who feel that way and can't argue the point. Mac gear is superb!

Don't ever let anyone make you feel as though McIntosh is inferior to anything else because it's not. I would also disregard any posts that claim there's better gear for less money. Some of the best music I've ever listened too was through Mac gear.

I second the meter thing…all amps should have meters, preferably with blue background lighting. I use a Squeezebox Touch and at night often use the meter display setting. Any music sounds at least 37% better if there's a meter someplace…this is a fact. Also, using the words "vintage Sansui" and "my goodness" in the same post…is…uh…something.
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