McIntosh C100, Ayre K1 or Mark Levinson 380/380S?

Anybody have any views on the relative merits of the McIntosh C100, Ayre K1 or Mark Levinson 380/380S pre amps? Would be interested in opinions about which to choose.
Marantz does not currently have the "high prestige/great performance" reputation that it earned in the past. However, with design & oversight by Ken Ishiwata, they have created a gem in their top-of-the-line preamp. Before you invest big bucks, you should listen to the Marantz SC-7S1. (I am not involved with Marantz other than as a pleased purchaser,)

I have the Ayre K-1xe, and I LOVE it. It is the best sounding preamp I have ever heard, and to me sounds better than the Audio Research Ref. II Mk. II that I traded in on it. Plus, I had a lot of trouble with the ARC preamp. It kept blowing a big expensive tube, and getting it serviced at the factory did not help the problem.
Many thanks for all your responses. I am still researching and hunting! I think that the Ayre K1 (x or xe) would be my ideal, but I am also being seduced by the McIntosh C2200 (tube), the Hovland HP-100 (tube) and the Sony TAE1 (!). Any comments, views or suggestions? Thanks
My suggestion is to narrow down what you really want in a preamp, and what you don't need. This will help you decide which preamp is right for you

For instance, which of these features do you really want:

A. Remote Control (This is a must for some people, like me, but to others, they feel it can affect the sonics of the unit. Certain manufacuturers deal with the sonic impact in different ways.)

B. Phono Stage (If you don't run an analog source, or if you already have a separate phono preamp, you don't need it. But if you planning on getting one in the future, it is nice to have it available.)

C. Balanced or Single ended inputs and outputs

D. Number of inputs (Just a few or lots of inputs)

E. Tube or Solid State (i.e. Do you wish to make the music warmer, or get more detail, or a combination of the two? Do you like tube rolling, or hate tube rushing? There are many factors in choosing between the two.)

F. Aesthetics (This is not so much a feature, as it is a question of whether the unit will "fit" with the rest of your system. This not a necessary requirement obviously, but it just might tip the scales between two units that have both met all your requirements otherwise.)

My two cents worth.
I have a K1xe for a few years now (updated from a K1), and it's bullet proof and fabulous.