McIntosh MC275 as Monoblocks - A Good Idea?

I just boutght myself a MC 275 and I use it as a power amp for the fronts with Mcintosh MHT100 receiver as pre. The speakers are Sonus Faber Grand Pianos. Now the sound is wonderful but I would still love to get more punch (I listen to a lot of heavy metal CDs and my Mac sounds a bit slow with them) and probably a deeper and tighter bass. Is bying another 275 and running them as monoblocks a good idea in my case?
Nope, I would go for the solid state MC402. Better dynamics, lots of slam for heavy metal and a huge asthetic improvement with your MHT100. Sell your 275 and add the $$ you would be spending for a 2nd and buy the MC402. With the money saved I bet you could upgrade your Grand Pianos to the next model up. Best of luck
Either a Mac SS amp would help or try another brand. The Mcintosh/SF combo could be too warm and romantic for metal.
no need to buy another brand,you gotta remember that old mac is tired a was never designed for such demands as heave metal.

as velo62 suggested get a mc402 or even a mc352,tubes are nice & all but when you wanna rock mac solid state is the ticket.

I have an MHT-100 (love it!) and use an MC-252 for the fronts where a pair of Totem Mani-2s reside. I rotate in a VT-100 Mk-II now and then for variety. Am happy with the Mac combo.
I have to agree with Velo62 and the others above. Given your preference for heavy metal CD's, adding another tubed amp (MC275) still wouldn't sound as good as adding a Mac SS amp.
I do indeed run two MC275 IV's as monoblocks driven by a C200 Pre. But I play mostly classical and jazz and my source is more often vinyl than CD. With that combination it is heaven.