Mcintosh vs Parasound

I'm considering going from a YBA Passion integrated amp at 100wpc to either the new mcintosh MC402 or the Parasound JC1. I'd likely get a matching preamp from whichever amp mfg i get. I'm driving Talon Peregrines with all of the upgrades. They are pretty efficient, but I'm trying to get a bigger sound. The YBA sounds clean and great, but doesn't move a lot of air. Opinions please?
I second the Mac thing, I own a c2200 a mc275 a 252 and their cd205..its gooood stuff,sounds excellent and musical, their build quality is probably second to none. Break in time is nil, sounds great right out of the box. So sick and tired of amps needing 6.9 trillion years to break in and sound good, I mean c'mon. Mac is the real deal.
Dre_j, the thinness goes away after about thirty days with the JC-1s, and dynamics, weight, air and focus nicely improve a bit further down the road as they become, if you'll pardon the expression, faster sounding - they get out of the way of the music better. Nope, they don't take 10^7 hours to break in :-)


Thanks for the answers. Is it the time the amp is powered on? If not, does it have more to do with running music through the system along with the break-in time? If I turn the amp off after the break-in time, do I start all over again?

No, the amps don't forget what they've been through :-) The amps need to be on with music playing through them. The volume can be very low. Most often people just leave a CD on repeat.

That long a break in? dont you mean your brain finally makes sense of what comes out of the amp?

sheesh...Go for the Mc,,you wont regret it!