Merlin speakers a new start for me

hi folks.... Long time audiogoner and have not used the form a great deal. I am in mid change over from a home Theater setup to a two channel system. The basic problem is space. Running two systems did not work so I combined what I had and have been running 2 channel.

At the moment I am sort of between systems but what is left includes.

Preamp Classe 5L
Amps Pair Threshold T-200's (Both have been updated by Jon S)
CD is the Dennon 2900
TT is a project
Speakers at the moment are a pair of Revel M-20's
Revel B15
I have a S-30 and a pair of older Paradigm ADP surrounds that are not in use
I also have an older Sherbourn 5/1500 left over from the HT.

My thought at the moment is to keep most of what I have and simply add a hi end pair of monitors, or speakers somewhere between 2-5k. I have been bouncing around between

Merlin VMS M or SE
Merlin TSM
Revel Gems
Thiel 3.6 the 2.4 or even the 6
ATC 20's or 50's

I have been a long term fan of Celestions and had either a pair of the SL-600's or the 700SE's for the past 15 years. So I am both a big fan of a clean image and or a very very good sound stage both of which I got from the Clestions. At this point, I simply feel the Celestions are too old to be reliable.... and I would like something new. The room I am in is moderate in size and has a very very bad suck out around 50hrz so the speakers will likely be used with the Revel handling everything from say 60-80hrz down.

Thought I would ask the form espcially those that know and have heard the merlins. My plan at this point is to keep the Classe/Threholds and the Revel B15. I am not really attached to any of it at the moment as I am not getting all that I think the system can offer.... so any suggestions welcome.

any late pair of ses that are made with the pan fiber enclosure also have the new port alignment in them. your pair could be upgraded to the mm easily. call the factory for the free sixth toe mod kit so that you can use the speakers with 2 toes on the front and one in the rear. this will be more stable for you and sound a lot better too.
what i meant about them being easy to place is that they are very uniform on and off axis so they present no complications in set up. and when something shows this amount of change with a slight change of position, it is very easy to know whether you are more correct or not.
happy holidays,
Hey Bobby,

The SEs have the Cardas posts and I've purchased your Z-feets already (there are six holes at the bottom of each speaker to mount the feet in various configurations). Is this the six-toe mod you are referring to? I'm also using your cryo'ed RC networks, so I think the man thing I have left to do is to upgrade my wiring harness.
ok you already have the sixth toe mod.
cryoed rcs and z feet. use two feet on the front and one on the center rear if you haven't done so already.
but there is more to do to upgrade them to mms than just the wiring harnessES. plus there are bam super mods too.
give me a call when you have a chance.
happy holidays!
need to change wiring to be a millennium. wiring, cryo crossover parts, change values in q circuit and change torque settings to be an mm. the super bam mod is also very big in what it offers. you get a new external supply (power light, iec power cord), a new internal supply (new capacitors and voltage regulators) and a new battery pack. imho, a 40 to 50% difference in sound for the better.