Mini-monitors $5,000 - $10,000

I'm looking to replace my Kharma Ceramique 3.2 FE's with a very good mini-monitor. A high WAF factor (I'm a design freak too so I'm in on this too)is important. So far I'm down to the Marten Heritage Duke 2 (I've auditioned their Form speaker so I have a good idea of the "house" sound and like it) and the Joseph Audio Pulsar (which I have yet to hear).

Any thoughts on either would be appreciated as well as alternatives. No, the Raidho's are too much.

I'll be driving them with a SimAudio Moon 600i and a PS Audio PerfectWave DAC. Occasional vinyl once I get a phono amp again. I listen to pretty much everything.

Thanks in advance for your input.
The new PM1 and Diamond 805 scale down from the full range B&Ws very well. PM1 is something of a bargain for a super mini.

Smaller Raidho should be in scope budget wise and a good match since Nordost demonstrate their wares with those speakers and Moon electronics. Clean tight, fast sound. No hint of grain or brightness.
I believe it has already been mentioned four times above - and sorry to be repetative - but Raidho surely ranks as one of the best monitors available. For your budget you could collect a brand new X-1 or a second hand C1/C-1.1.

Do try them.
Dynaudio C1 is known to have synergy with Simaudio. Also look into the Lenehan Audio ML 1 Reference.