MIT Love 'em or Hate 'em

Has anyone else noticed that audio stores that carry MIT think there is no better cable type and stores that don't carry MIT all think they are terrible. Is this sour grapes or is something else going on here?
I like your idea but they say men think about sex/girls every 5.3 seconds so I'm afraid that might skew your results. Maybe he was listening to the MITs during a high point of the cycle.(hehehehehe) Anyway, I liked your post above better than his and I award you the first and last "Clueless Cup." We have a strict no return policy.

I remain,
I am honored, Clueless. A protective cup could come in mighty handy around here.
Thank you everyone above for responding. They were very sincere and they will make me look at closer how I choose to communicate in various contexts, something that I've been working on in all contexts this year.

Yes, Zaikesman, contexts...if you take a look at when I come into a thread in this way, it is (within the past three months) always when others have gone on for quite awhile and the arguments are becoming circuitious. For example, in this thread the dialogue had been played out. Most recently, in another thread, I came in after bwhite and audeng had had a similar dialogue after @ 100 posts and had sputtered out. I don't think its inapproriate to resusitate a discussion at that point that, perhaps, seeks to go deeper. Also, I only enter when I think the discussion has sputtered out for a reason; namely, the circuitousness can be explained by one party's arguments being flawed before it even got started. This invariably deals with the assumptions to people's positions. Assumptions have assumptions and when the first is misplaced, many times unconsciously, you sometimes have to pull them back with a bit more force of the mind to make them see it. It can be done better in person, much simpler then, so the remoteness of this medium does have its limitations in that regard. On Derrida and Jung, I use it as filler until others start again, and besides, while they are off thinking, why shouldn't detlof and I use that time to get closer?

On repetition: yes, a concern. But you will note it is shorter and shorter all the time. Did you know what I was saying in then beginning, do you know now? Graduated repetition works on the brain, its the way we are wired. Learning multiplication tables is not fun sometimes, but you know them. Granted, I'm not too keen on talking about them myself (see below). Also, please note that it would be unfair to respond to someone like krusty who I'm taliking to for the first time and essentially challenging in a fundamental way with such ideas in too rough a form simply because others have already heard them.

Digression: you have to tell me whether you think the ideas themselves are digressions (and in that case irrelevancy is the right word) or the way I put them (conciseness/lucidity). I think, from parts of your response, you mean both. On the later, see above. On the former, again, you chose not to be specific. Which brings me to what i think are the real issues, which if you don't mind I will try to frame for you:

1. Who the hell are you, Asa, to TEACH me? What arrogance rises that would concieve that I have anything to learn from you. Even if I do have something to learn, a broader, deeper perspective let's say, and assuming it is relevant, what "God" appointed you my teacher?

2. This is an audio site, and although "deeper" ideas are always welcome at the, er, right-timed times - and, yea, yea, yea, we know its a free country - but you know, there has to be a LIMIT, because, as you yourself Asa have conceded, there is an entertainment value here that people are entitled to. Its seems your diatribes (isn't that the word you wanted to say, zaik...) INFRINGE on my right to come here and just lighten up, talk to some audio buds and just chill! Yea, yea, I can turn the channel, but hey, my finger hurts from even doing that. Asa, you claim that you are interested in my edification or whatever, and our coming together, but isn't getting in the way of my enjoyment pushing me away?

Two questions:

1. Do you know more? Do you see music differently, in a much larger context in your mind? If not, be honest, were you ever listening (not just hearing)? Ideas are Music too (do you know where they come from?). Are you ready for even deeper ideas, or still resenting finding the first? Is pleasure primary to meaning (is your head hurting again!!)


2. We are here, talking. Not just as gentlemen. Are we closer than before the thread began? You are here and I am here. When we talk again tomorrow will we start from a place closer together, not just the ideas, you and me? How did that happen? Are you farther away? What pulled you here, now? Hmmm.

Smart people need to be pulled with the smart part of their mind. Because they are smarter than most all people they meet, they get used to using their mind to fend off anything that makes them move, and so they don't like it. The only way to make them forget that part of their mind is to spin it, reach below the thoughts to their assumtions and pull them. When they finally spin fast enough, they stop in a center that is quieter. You can talk to them then...

Hi, Zaikesman. Hi, Maxgain. Hi krusty (yes, especially krusty), Hi 6ch, wherever you are.

There is a painting in my mind, like a Dali dream, and we are all standing together, swirled into the dream to this place - which is not a dream.

Its not surreal at all, unless you think it is, then its true for you. Argue for your limitations and, sure enough, they are yours. The "what is" is very accomodating that way. :0)

Thank you again for listening - and coming here, now.