MIT Tube Cables and Solid State Amps?

I am looking at buying a Pr. of MIT MH 770 CVT Terminator Refrence II Twin - Tube speaker cables. I did not think these cables were compatable with Solid State Amps but the buyer is telling me that he used them with Krell Amps and they worked fine. A Tech. at MIT said He would not use them that way as tube cables are designed for tube amps. He also said it would not cause a service problem for the amp (Classe CA 300). I have been getting conflicting reports on this and I hate to miss out on a good deal. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Jim, thanks for the response, I agree about cables it is frustrating at times and if your not really in the change/upgrade cable mode a real pain in the ass. I'll tell you what got me back on MIT. I was using Tara Master ic's, pretty happy with em but got a case of audionervosa/bored-osa, and pulled out an old pair of MIT music links prenetwork ic's that I used 10 years ago. They were hooked up to a VCR at the time. I dropped them in and I couldn't believe my ears! Top to bottom coherence and focus improved more than a litte. So I demo'ed several types and really dug the shotguns. I use them with CJ pre and Classe amp, nice, smooth and plenty revealing for me. Hey to each his/her own. The only person you really have to impress is yourself - you have to live with the system!
Miss this good deal. I owned MIT Tube interconnects and speaker cable, they are COLORED; they sweet (overly, of course) and ameliorate solid state drek (ass oppose to solid state good, neutral staff). You don't have to pay a lot for the good cables (Exception: Power cords by Electraglide)
Thank You Simontju. I do have a question. How do you feel they color the sound? I don't own them yet (plan to soon) but I have listened in my system and find them to naturally place and space instruments in a manner that sounds very real to me. In addition there was a dramatic increase in air and detail around instruments which is reminiscent of live music. I suspect they must be system dependent based on the total lack of agreement of this product. Are people justed p.oed because of their pricing?
TubeGroover I own several brands of ICs including older MIT 330 series ICs, my listening is they have smooth top end, and the treble region is de-emphasized compared to regular ICs, giving the treble a slightly recessed sound, the detail is there but not as pronounced or finely detailed as say a good silver IC. MIT contends this is the way natural music sounds and most ICs have too much treble region emphasis. I hear more treble detail than say Cardas Cross, yet subjectively they are equally warm. I find their 3D capabilities to be excellent. I have all SS gear, and feel these traits may not work well with tube gear, but as discussed here new MIT upper end stuff is now specially designed for different types of gear.
Hi Sam - I am currently listening to a friends 750 Terminator S3 tube cable, his amp is down. It is as you say maybe more recessed (I say relaxed) but what I have noticed with every speaker cable I have had in my system is that the high frequencies are too immediate and in your face. It is most unnatural sounding to me and has been a real problem up until now. The highs don't jump out at you as they have in the past. I really feel that the detail is still there but it isn't so Hi-Fi bright. My speakers are missing nothing in the high frequencies and as a matter of fact are recommended with Cardas cables. I just bought a pair of the MIT 770 Reference tube cables which are a few steps up from the one's I am using. Should have them next week and will post impressions with my all tube system. The gentleman I am purchasing them from needed longer runs. He has Wilson Watts Puppys which isn't missing anything on top either. He tells me these cables are the best he's heard in his system by far and he has run the gamut. My IC's are all Harmonic Tech Truthlink which I like very much and feel are a great value, at least for now.