Monitor Speaker Vote "Face Off"...

I have being visiting Audigon for the last year and I find the postings very helpful. I am presently in the process of buying a set of monitor spekers in the range of $1000-$1500 used. I am considering Tylo Ref. Monitors, Silverline SR-17,
Solliloquy 5.0, ProAc 1SC and Sonus Faber Concerto. Before I buy I would like for you to help me by "voting" for your favorite (doesn't have to be my cosiderations) in that price range used. The one with the most "votes" gets the nod from me. Thanks!

Biggish room, weakish equipment (but it's good enough for now, given your plans). I know them solely by reputation, but people I know know what they're talking about highly recommend NewForm Research R630. Brand spankin' new they're at the top of your price range, used they're available at the bottom. Hybrid ribbons with ScanSpeak mid drivers, specs that compare well with all the monitors you mention, and (I'm told) very musical. Plus, they would obviate the need for(and additional expense of) stands. Plus, they should be up for whatever you get for your next upgrade (not that any of your selected monitors wouldn't, mind you!). Unless you specifically need monitors for a reason (and room size clearly isn't one) then this would be my recommendation.

If I still get a vote, and you are intent on buying by popular demand, then I go with the Silverlines (but then, I own 'em!)

You should consider the Spendor S-1s ... see planet hifi. May/June 00 review. and yes ... I have a pair for sale. regards
I have listened to everything on your wish list except the Tylo's (never heard of them). My personal favorite is the SR-17's, but your favorite may be entirely different. You need to do whatever you can to audition speakers before settling down with them. Some manufacturers or dealers may offer purchase/demo with a return/refund option. I have auditioned quite a few "highly rated" speakers that just did not make music for me and one of my favorite "old time" speakers were the B&O 5700's (anybody remember those?). Speaker preference really is a personal thing.
Thanks Chas. I have heard great things obout the NewForm Research R630. It has been highly recommended. I did not include them im my choices because they probably would not have great wife (speaker) approval. But I keep hearing Silverline!