MONO cartridge recommendation

I was all set to get the ORTOFON 2M MONO SE cartridge to play the Beatles Mono Vinyl box set.

But it seems they do not offer it in any longer. Anyone have a suggestion on a true Mono cartridge $550-1000 range?

MM or MC in the 2.5mV range for my preamp


Thanks, Folkfreak. That response is helpful, I agree.  But in effect, you responded to my re-phrasing of the OP's question, which brought out your significant prior experience, which was my point.  I once had designs on the Dorian Mono, only to learn that it had been discontinued, I think.
thanks folks,

I am new to a quality turntable--although i go back to the 60's and have had a few budget turntables in my life, when younger,I never gave my setup a second thought. It was press,play and enjoy. Now, being an audiophile (self proclaimed) ..( and much to my wife's chagrin)...I would like a worthy mono cartridge for $1000 or so Pro-ject RPM came with a cartridge --Sumiko Blue Point #2...But i have many mono albums I would love to hear again. This time around in the highest quality.

I do prefer a warm sound, detailed but not harsh or bright. Truly,though, I really do not know what to expect. 

My setup is a krell amp, audible illusions preamp/ w/ phono, martin - logans , 

once again,thanks for the input

 mike in pa

Audio-Technica AT-33MONO is very nice and a bargin at around $300.

I feel no need to go up the mono ladder.
Mikepaul, From your last post it appears you think you need a mono cartridge to play your mono records.  Not true!  A regular stereo cartridge can play mono records just fine.  The output from your stereo cartridge will have essentially the same signal in each channel and at the same level.  The reason mono cartridges have become popular recently is that they can sound better playing a mono LP than a stereo cartridge.  A mono cartridge can also reduce noise due to record wear.  Most importantly, playing a mono record with a stereo cartridge is totally safe.  You are not risking damage to either the record or cartridge by using a stereo cartridge.