Monster Cable Kicks Butt?

Let me preface this by saying that I'm an avid audiophile thats tried many different cables in all price ranges and have made several of my own.Iv'e been completely neutral on the wires don't make a difference saga also.Anyway I'm between speaker cable and needed something to hook up until the latest arrives so I go and get 20 ft of basic 12ga Monster and some of thier twist lock bananas, $65 bucks total, and hook it up.I was shocked at what came out of the speakers.Tight bass,clean airy highs,no harshness or glare,delightfull! I have McCormack DNA-1 REV A,ARC CD-2,ARC LS 15 and Dynaudio Contour 1.1's all great,accurate gear.Anyway these damn Monsters sound as good as the $1200 cables I just sold!Somebody pinch me please!
No, it's more like Monster sounds 'less good', and that mnakes them 'not good.'
I can't speak for anyone elses experiences, but my wife and I will tell you that.
If you are happy with cable X (whatever that may be), then rejoice. Don't expect everyone else to share your preference; those of us who may not care from Brand X are not part of a conspiracy.

I am now a wise old man of 27, but back in the day, I was a Monster-only kid of about 15. Of course, I also had a Bose Lifestyle system at the exact same time. That's right...I had Bose and Monster, simultaneously, at the heart of my system. If anyone wants to come over and bitch-slap me for these youthful indescretions, I heartily welcome the long-overdue punishment. Anyway, as I worked my way through my teens, I moved up the Monster line: 350i...550i...950i...1000i. While I noticed increased clarity and an oh-so-slightly lower noise floor with each model upgrade, the price/value ratio was off-kilter on all of them (I fact I slowly learned as I moved into my 20's). The $40 cable was probably worth $20, the $75 cable was probably worth $50, clear through to the 1000i, which at $200 per meter probably warranted a price of about $120. That said, my interconnect arsenal has gone as high as the Kimber Kable Select 1030 (about $1500 per meter). And through these 12 years, I can only draw a single conclusion, and it's one that's been drawn a thousand times before: The Price AND character of your interconnects should be in proportion to the price AND character of your equipment. Example: If you have good gear, but it's a little warm, you might want to throw in some silver interconnects to add a bit of precision, without your sound getting too analytical. Just my two cents.
I had monster and cerwin vega, I think all teenagers go through that stage at some point. I ain't gonna salp you!

Of course your Monster cables sound as good as your $1200 cables because your electronics are closer to midfi than high end and can't allow you to hear the difference between the two cables. When you upgrade your front end and electronics someday, you will then hear the difference.