More power for my Duos?

Not completely satisfied with my Wavelength Venus 45s driving the Duos.
Kind of on the lean side. Great with vocals but somehow weak with big orchestras. I have tried different tubes, NOS, Vaic and TJ’s. Maybe Avangardes boss is right. Needs 10 to 20 watts. Anybody has experience with Jotas, Wavelength Cardinals and Wyetech Saphires, 300Bs with the Avangardes?
Wham1000, I used to have the Duo's paired with the Wavelenght Cardinals X1's. They sounded pretty good, excellent mids and hi's. That being said I would go with the new X2's. I also used the 47 Labs but the Wavelenghts blew them out of the water. I don't know what your budget is, whether you prefer SS, tube or Digital? You might talk with Henry Ho of the H2O digital amp fame. I don't know if his amp has been tried with the Duo's but when his amp connects it really connects.
I heard the Audiopax Stereo 88's (30W) with the AG's, and
they did not lack for anything, save an usher to have escorted me to the seat of that 'concert'.
The leaness you describe is an inherent property of the duo's. You must play with the subwoofer output and speaker position in the room, to flesh the sound out. Copper cables may also help as interconnects. More importantly donot use mettallic supports under any of your equipment including the power amps. Tubes are inherently warm, it is therefore not your amps fault. Try MDf wood under your amps etc.

I have now abandoned the duos as I found a speaker that beats it in every area and matches it for dynamics. The unbelievably cheap Hyperion,s. Bass has detail, tonal variations and sounds real unlike the duo's active woofer, which is at best only average in quality in my opinion. The duos are beaten easily for transparency believe it or not. Notes stop and start exactly as it was meant to making the performance more coherent and musical. You get a real soundstage with appropriate depth and image size, unlike the more vividly blown up sound on the duo's.By the way this comparison was made after the duos were rewired with silver coated copper dielectic wires, which replaced the quite frankly awful wire used in the duos. What ever you do, never use the external cables supplied to connect the various horns and subwoofers to gerthere, they are atrocious.

Dear sir,
I run my Uno 2.1's with Sun Audio SV2A3, FI Super X with 2A3's or 45's, and now with Audio Note Neiro PSE 2A3. I have clipped the 45's, but lean sonics is not what I heard. You certainly must ensure that the midrange horn and the tweeter are set at the right height and that the speakers are placed for best results. They are amazingly particular to these issues. I have found that in my system, silver sounds best.
Have fun!