Most forgiving high end speaker 10k-20k?

Better high end speakers are typically so high in resolution that, while they sound superb with great and maybe even good recordings, they sound mediocre to plain bad with average recordings. Given that many people have average recordings that they enjoy, and would wish to be able to listen to most if not all of their music library, what speakers in the roughly $10k-20k realm (new price) would provide an extraordinary listening experience across the spectrum (average to good recordings especially)? Does such an animal exist?
Jeffkad, this may be late to the party but you only describe one attribute of speaker sound you are looking for. Many of the recommendations above would fit the bill. As for Daedalus sounding bright, no way. I heard Dodgealums and they sounded excellent. In my experience the source probably is the culprit in how you system sounds. For example, I recently repaired a laser on a Rega Apollo CD player. I hooked it up in my system as a transport only using my Museatex BiDat and I was stunned on what happened compared to the same Rega stock model. The original Rega is what most call musical, easy to listen to but lacks focus and resolution and note definition. The repaired Rega just blows it away. Sorry I did not compare them as CDPs. Just goes to show you how a simple source can change everything.

As for some of the recommendations, Harbeth have fantastic mids, Vandy speakers have a more laid back type of sound, Verity are excellent speakers, Dali laid back and a little polite/boring but musical, etc. Each has their own set of strengths and weaknesses. I purchased a pair of Meadowlark speakers based on opinions here on Agon and they were very cheap. I thought they sounded good but not excellent. I found the transmission line bass to boomy sounding. I could hear the box coloration of the speaker. Once I replaced the source with a better CDP, they simply lost the bass issue and the speakers disappeared. I was probably going to sell them prior to this. There is a lot of system synergy going on and you have to understand each component and what it has the ability to do. Personally the source is the most important part of the system. If the source can only produce a 5 out of 10 sound than that is the best your system will sound. If the source is a 10 and the rest of you system is a 5, you will get the best 5 sound out of your system. Fortunately for me, I build and modify audio components and most audiophiles have never heard what a system can do. They play around with tubes, cables, power conditioning, room treatments, etc., to adjust the sound in their systems. I used to do that and will it makes your system better; it does not get you to the level I am talking about and hearing. I say much of my experience is dumb luck, trial and error since I repair and modify gear and get to hear what those changes make and learn why they sound better or worse.

So if you want a better answer to your question, tell us more about the total sound you are looking for and what you don't like about your system.

I hope this was somewhat helpful.

Happy Listening.
Speaking of EQ and Sonus Faber loudspeakers, I recently heard some Cremona Ms and they were fabulous. They provide a lush, musically involving and detailed presentation that puts a smile on your face and makes you want to spin recording after recording. The cool thing was that this very high end presentation was being powered by a $999 Marantz PM8004 integrated amp. This amp is neutral, quick, well-controlled, and sounded like an expensive stack of components. But to top it off, it has 3-band EQ and a balance knob. The bass control centers on 50 Hz and the treble on 15 Khz, so they can shape the frequency extremes without intruding on the heart of the music. The midrange control centers on 900 Hz and has only +/- 6dB of range. Playing with it can bring more presence to recessed recordings and more depth to forward recordings. There is also a Direct button to bypass tone and balance controls. TAS gave it a rave review. I'm seriously thinking of dumping a rack and a half of accumulated separates and getting one.
Hello John,
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