Mothership - The Inspiration

So I brought the album “Mothership” a week ago and all I can say is WOW. (Back-story - historically I’ve only listened to Hip Hop). So now I have a problem, I've opened a door to a whole new world and now I need guidance. Please help. What artist and or album would you recommend that is along the lines of Led Zeppelin to someone who is a newbie such as myself? Thanks!
Another vote for the White Stripes and Jack's different excursions, latest being 'The dead weather' and the album is 'Horehound'. You will love this.
Here's some stuff that actually sounds like Led Zep...Great White, Whitesnake, Kingdom Come, & Bonham.
If you'd like the one track that - IMHO - qualifies as the most unlikely choice for "along the lines of" Led Zeppelin, you might want to try "Come" by Fleetwood Mac. (Yes, Fleetwood Mac.) It's on "Say You Will".


BTW, at the risk of infuriating all the Jimmy Page fans out there, there's a couple of live versions (Fleetwood Mac's "Live in Boston" and Lindsey Buckingham's "Live at Bass Hall")where the guitar solo just smokes anything I've ever heard out of Zep. Obviously, this one is just MHO.

For the record, I've seen Zep 3 or 4 times (including the LZ IV tour at MSG)and like 'em a fair bit.