multi cd players

what in your opinion is best sounding mutiplayer on the market for under 1000.00 dollars
If you want a multi cd player try a Denon DCM5000. It's a 100 disc changer and it has a half dozen selectable play modes of favorite cd's by name by artist etc. I have set it against two single players (audio solution CD50 and Audiomecca)with so to speak blind folded guess and have not been disappointed. If you want to add more cd's you can add up to four DCM5001 units.
I think that the new SONY 775 or 222ES multiplayers are about the biggest bargain there is. They have great CD performance and throw SACD into the bargain. Plus, for a few $ they can be upgraded with sensible modifications.


Sony SCD 555 or 333 gives you good redbook playback as well as the ability to listen to SACD. They can both be had new for well under 1K and if you ever wanted to do something different for D/A conversion they have coaxial and optical output. A used CAL CL-10 would not be a bad choice either. Good Luck,