Multichannel amps that can drive low impedances?

A friend has asked for advice on a multichannel amp to drive some speaker designs he is building...he wants a multichannel amp good down to 1 ohm. Budget is around $3000 used.
I've never heard of one...any advice? If nothing else I guess I could tell him to get some older Krell monos.
Well I know the Bryston 7B can be wired for 3ohms and below. Not so sure about their other amps especially their 3ch and 5ch amps. Contact Bryston and they should be able to tell you whether it'll work.
ANY solidstate amplifier will drive a 1-Ohm load. The question is just how much current (hence power) can the amp deliver into 1 Ohm. Some SS amps will double twice to 2 Ohms but I'll bet very few of them will double again in 1 Ohm. The class-A-biased Lazarus HA-1-series amps will double twice into 2, from 50wpc/8 to 100wpc/4 to 200wpc/2. The Proceed BPA- and HPA-series amps will double at least once into 4 while starting with 125pc and 250pc, respectively, into 8 and are available in 2- and 3-channel versions.

What is this guy building--something with 'dozens' of drivers in parallel?
Please see the following link - not all amps can drive a 1 ohm load.