Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?

I got a 2 box tube dac named JADIS JS 1 i have to change the 8 yellow caps inside so my technician suggest me the MUNDORF silver/gold caps, so i just want to now a bit more about their sonic signature?
will it change the sonic signature of my dac and in wich way?
In fact the unit was made back to march 1994.... and i am not sure if they are the stock caps because it is not wrtitten "Jadis" like on the other one and also this was the sugestion of my technician.I just add my NOS ULLARD AND AMPEREX HOLLAND BUGLE BOY tubes and i feel it is like changing the unit for a better one
so i keep on dreaming or imagine what it could be as a sonic increase with new "Mundorf Caps" !!!
Rocc, what are the values, brands, and types of those horrible-sounding yellow caps?
Have any of you tried the Obbligato Premium Capacitors? I've read good things about the caps and they are very inexpensive compared to most. I have some Mundorf Silver PIO caps that are going in my amplifier. I wish I had seen these first. I might have given them a try..especially for the cost. I agree the Mundorfs are great caps..very transparent.
Gmood, the Mundorf Supremes are not paper in oil, they're metallized-polypropylene in oil. Just thought you'd like to know.