music frequency

The only thing I know about the frequency is that the audible to human ear is 20-20khz and the middle C on the piano is 250hz. Can you tell me what frequency range a complex orchestra music might be?
What you guys are missing here are the overtone series that these insturments and voices produce. These are the sonic signatures that make the 440 from a piano sound different from that of a violin or other insturment. These freqencies can extend well beyond the human spectrum of hearing and are vital in listening to music.

Close! Middle C is 261.63Hz. Nice links Pabelson, but where is the triangle? Oh the horror ... the horror! Liszt they have forsaken thee..... ;-)
I should mention I was referring to the fundamental frequencies of the instruments.
My observations include the total music waveform, harmonics and all. We could debate whether a harmonic that is 40 dB down is important, but it is 40 dB down.
Nice links, Thank you.

I look for a speaker that will output down to 40Hz. Thanks for the responses.