Musical Fidelity A3cr Pre compared to Tubes

I have a MF A3cr power amp that I am considering matching a tube preamp or the matching the companion Preamp. Does anyone have any experience with the MF Pre and it ssound vs a tube pre. I am considering Rogue Perseus and Primaluna prologue 3 for the tube Pre. Thanks
Lapierre, my speakers are Nola Viper IIa's, recently purchased on the 'gon. So many people have said that Nola/Alons sound best with tube gear, that I have been on this quest to find a decent tube preamp for not alot of money. My MF A3cr power amp just seems too good to me to discount just because its not tube gear. Therefore, this is why I've been asking questions MF pres vs tube pre's. Thanks for your input.
Hawk28 are there any audio stores near you so you can audition some tube pre amps to see if you like what you are trying to acheive?
I have heard plenty of Rogue gear, but never with the Nolas. Also, I have heard plenty of Alon/Nola speakers, but never with tube gear, which they supposedly prefer according to many Alon/Nola owners. I guess that's why I'm interesting in seeing what the tube pre will do with my ss power amp in comparison to MF's preamps.
No I haven't considered using a tube buffer. I never heard a system with one being used and no dealer has ever recommended to me such a product to improve the sound of my system.