Musical fidelity A5.5 Vs Arcam CD 37


I am thinking of moving to a dedicated CD player, I am using now a Denon 3930 for DVD, CD, SACD, …
Regardless the features of these 2 players, how do you describe the sound differences between them? And what can I get more than I have now with Denon?
I don’t have the possibility to listen the MF only the Arcam so your opinions will be very helpful.

If it's like the A5, I shouldn't expect much change after about 100 hours. Are you not happy with the sound so far?
I believe that the big changes in the sound were in the first 40 or 50 hours. Didn’t notice sound changes after that.

The problem was the noise, the sound was grainy and harsh, but now finally is OK. What remove the noise were the Herbie’s Audio ultrasonic tube dumpers. The noise was from the tubes and those tube dumpers made a great improvement.
I advise you clean the tube pins on those stock Phillips 6922/6DJ8 tubes. I had an A1008 cd player for a short time, so trust me on this. Better yet, replace those tubes with your favorite NOS.