Nagra VPS phonom stage - how good

I have hjeard very good reports about the Nagra VPS phono stage.

Has anyone heard one or own on. I am interested how it compares to the best out there and against it's price base of 6.5k
Thank you Jfrech, you have a killer system - a system to die for!!! I live in Houston but I'll defintely give you a buzz when I have plan to visit Austin.

John, you may want to check the email you sent me on the 24th of June 2008.
OK, Barry... you were right... I found the e-mail I sent on the 24th of June, 2008; however the delay in responding was actually only 6 days from the date your inquiry hit our system in Switzerland- not quite the month you stated in your post.

So I have to ask- what axe do you have to grind with us?

It's now 4 months since I responded to your inquiry, and most people reading would take your earlier post as a shot at Nagra and/or our dealer in Austin. I don't believe this is called for. I tried to be polite and accountable for possibly overlooking your inquiry, but you still insist on trying to make us look bad. I think an apology is in order, however I'd be just as happy if you simply stopped trashing people who have offered to be helpful.
You are the one who's made yourself looking bad. You responded to my first post suggesting that I was lying by claiming that you have never sent out the dealer contact in Austin. And now you found out that you are wrong so you're accusing me of trying to axe-grinding you ?

Let's get this straight. I am a potential Nagra customer that has been trying to audition Nagra products and have been frustrated by the dealer who never picked up his phone, and never responded to my phone message.

I sent one email to Nagra audio in April from a contact I found on and got no response, so in June I used Audiogon to send another one and finally got a response.

You wrote on your post that I STILL INSIST on trying to make you look bad. Now can you check how many post have I written on this thread and how many times did I INSIST on trashing you? So you considered me telling you to check your email as "trashing" you?

And you are telling me that I should stop trashing people who have offered to be helpful? What 'people' are you talking about? The people who have tried to be helpful are Nagra customers like JFrech, when have I ever 'trashed' JFrech?

I may end up liking Nagra products, but in that case I will buy directly from Europe. Good luck with your business.
Viper Z
I have emailed plenty of dealers and other who have either lost or forgotten to reply.
All I do is email again and put second request in the subject area and usually get responded to very quickly. How can you make that person responsable for a reply from someone else even if they recommend them. How would they know what that person is doing, how busy they are or if they responded to you in the first place.
I would just email that person and ask if they could find out why I have not gotten a reply from the person they recommended.