Naim amps??

Why so much money for what seems to be underpowed amps, at least on paper?

Two grand for a 75 watt amp. Do they rate their amps differently or what?
People who are impressed by an amplifier's rated output in watts probably buy their speakers the same way. :-)
My full-range Sequerra speaker system will knock down walls with less than 50 watts per channel. It's all about efficiency. There are a few speakers that really require gobs of power, but those owners know who they are. For the rest of us, Naim offer an extremely musical presentation of music's pace & rhythm that can be very beguiling, and very habit forming. Nothing against any other manufacturers, but for me It's All In The Naim. :-)

My .02, Ed
I have almost $10 grand in a 2-watt per channel tube amp.
I guess that I must really be nuts!
cyrus is the new naim. naim is the new arcam. arcam is the new music fidelity. music fidelity is the new cambridge.....and cambridge is the new cyrus.
you can do so much better than a naim they use a switching power supply which is the cheapest way to go. they wouldnt drive a pair of bose