Need Advise for open sounding monitors

I currently live in a large condo where my stereo speakers purchased about 40 years ago serve me well with a full open sound. They are columns with a 15" voice of the theater woofer and an ESS air motion transformer. I will be down sizing soon and want to start looling for a replacement. Thoughout the years I have listen to some monitors when given the chance but never found anything satifying. Any suggestions where to look would be appreciated.

I have a pair of Decware DM945 monitors (8" full range woofer, Ribon tweeter) that sound very transparent and have good bass in my 12x18 ft. room. They only have one capacitor for a crossover. Worth checking into...
I have a similar Mac set up that I had with B&W 803S for a few years. Decided to sell them. Didnt have a huge budget and by chance heard a pair of Nola Boxers that I thought were outstanding. Paid $1500. Added an REL sub and have no future plans to replace them. Fantastic value.
I want to thank everyone who took the time to reply. I appreciate your willingness to help. You have given me many options and now it is time for me to go to work and listen to your suggestions.

Thanks again.