Need help/advice on choosing a new CDP

My cdp is on its last leg - it's been refusing to read/play most of my CDs for quite some time now, so I need to find a new one soon. I was thinking about getting an "entry-level" CDP, which'd actually be an upgrade from what I currently have, a Denon universal player. I know what you guys are thinking ... a universal player?! I'm fairly new to audiophile so please excuse my ignorance. I mean, I've always been interested in audio but I didn't know much at all until I started putting together my first system a few years ago. Now I know better ...

Anyway, enough rambling ... I thought I could find a decent CDP for around $1k (or hopefully a little less) to replace my DVD-2930CI but now after some auditioning, I'm not so sure. I was considering the new Rotel RCD-1520, Jolida JD100A, Rega Apollo, and Arcam FMJ CD17. So far, I've heard the RCD-1520 twice at the same store, once with Jolida tube amp which sounded OK, and once with Rotel's new integrated stereo amp which makes it too forward sounding (and not enough depth plus details are lost). I've also heard the Creek Classic CDP with the Jolida amp which didn't sound good to me, and the Jolida JD100A with the Rotel amp which sounded too bright (and hence fatiguing, the sound's somewhat recessed but overall detailed) at the same store. With all the problems Apollo (and Saturn) owners have reported, I'm hesitant to get one. I still plan on auditioning it alongside the Arcam CD17 at another store soon. I am pretty confused and overwhelmed now as it looks like I'll have to spend quite a bit more than I thought. I don't want to buy something that sounds just OK to me ... Some CDP ideas I got from talking to audio dealers/stores and doing research online are: Creek Destiny and CD50 MK2 (already obsolete though), Simaudio Moon CD-1 and CD.5, Arcam FMJ CD36, Shanling.

If you have any CDP recommendations for me or can share your experience with any of the players I have mentioned, that'd be very helpful. My current setup: Jolida JD502B tube amp, 2x B&W CM7, AudioQuest cables and interconnects. I listen to all kinds of music (except rap). I am looking for good detail and some dimensionality in the sound.
Racamuti, thanks for your suggestion! Do you know how the Jolida and Decware CD players compare since they are both tube? And do you think it'd be possible to find a ZCD200 somewhere to listen to first as Decware doesn't seem to have dealers?

Thanks Lostbears, that's a good idea! I'll try to find dealers from which I can borrow CDPs.
Actually, the first time I was auditioning CDPs at the store mentioned, we were using the same setup I have at home (Jolida amp + CM7s) - that's where I bought my gear ... The rooms are of course different. The second time I was there, we had to use a Rotel amp as the Jolida amp on display got sold. We still hooked it up to the CM7s though. I noticed a huge difference in sound between the 2 systems/amps. Do you think speakers would make as much of a difference or is it more important to make sure that the Amp and CD player are well-matched?
I have been using the Rega Apollo with a Prima Luna Prologue 2 on a daily basis for almost 3 years now with no problems. The Apollo is a great player for the price and I would not hesitate to recommend it.

The initial issues that were reported with the Rega Apollo were of the user education variety. For example, when you insert the CD, you must wait a few seconds for the Rega to BOTH recognize the disc and then prompt you to hit play. If you hit play before that process is complete, the disc will not play nor will the Rega automatically start playing. The other issue is that the Rega does not always recognize CDRs recorded at greater than 8X speed. Both situations are covered in the user manual.

The web postings that you may be reading are 3 to 4 years old. There has not been much chatter since. By all means, you should audition the Apollo.

Best regards,

You might consider the move to computer front end. RReading around here (and at the very helpful will give you lots of ideas; in particular, there are any number of well regarded and inexpensive USB DACs that should allow you to hit your pricepoint with the associated computer gear (eg, a Mac Mini). I'd be very surprised is you couldn't get sound that rivals the players you mention, and you may find the convenience revelatory, as I did. My 2c. J
Have to agree with LOSTBEARS on the Cary CDP-1.
Has remote,plays HDCD,volume control,can be used w/o preamp.
I've owned mine for 2 years and it never missed a beat.
Also good factory support if needed.
Rarely found used but worth the hunt. One listed now.
(not mine- don't know seller) Good Luck!

Cary CDP-1 works fantastic in my system.I can't say that it will work for you,only you can make that determination.It would be worth a try,if you don't like it, you will get most/all of your money back on resell.There are 3 of them for sell in the classifieds right now,not mine though,I'm hanging on to it.